
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

ok, ok, I'll post

There are times when having a blog feels a little bit like having a semester-long term paper that you really should have started on awhile ago, and should be working on regularly so you're not cramming it all in at the last minute. . .

It's hard to think of creative things to post when life has pretty much consisted of the very glamorous life of someone looking for work, tackling months of housework that fell by the wayside--I mean, I may get pretty excited about finally getting a covered garbage can for the laundry room with the kitty litter, but that's probably just me.

My knitting skills are growing at least, and I managed to knit my husband a hat over the past few days. We had Tuesday morning as a deadline--he needed a hat to go running in our cold spell. I found a dark blue skein of Canadiana at Hearthstone for $1 (!!) and went round and round on circular needles and dpns until done. This morning he told me he wasn't going to run outside, it really was just TOO COLD. (How dare he after all that work? : ))I made him promise he would at least wear it while walking across the parking lot at the JCC.

My current goal is to continue to use up yarn using tools and patterns I already have or can download for free on the 'net. We'll see how long this lasts. (Yarn, notice, is not on the do not buy list. That's just asking a bit too much).


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