
Friday, December 16, 2005

Friday Five

for the RevGalBlogPals:

1) Have you ever gotten a really good kiss under the mistletoe? Tell the truth. Spare no details. Was the mistletoe real, because kisses under the fake stuff do. not. count.
I'm sad to say, I have no good mistletoe stories.

2) Do you know anyone who makes real eggnog, not the stuff from the carton? And if so, do you actually like it?

I currently know no real eggnog makers. My dad always used to bring home the stuff from the store, and husband and I have sampled soy nog. Eggnog (a word that gets weirder each time you type it in, have you noticed?) is a standard holiday feature, but I've never tried to make it from scratch.

3) What's your favorite Christmas party album/CD ever?

The one with Sting's cover of "The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came. . ." It was post Band Aid. Closely tied is the Miserable Offenders' Christmas album. And a Carlos Nakai Christmas album CD, I wonder where that went to? Oh, and I used to put John Mellencamp's cover of "I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" on my outgoing answering machine message every Christmas. And I loved Mannheim Steamroller's Christmas album.

4) Does your office/workplace have a party? Do the people there ever behave the way people in movies behave at office parties, which is to say, badly? Not working full-time in a parish this year, so no office party this year, and I'm afraid that church office parties do not look anything like a holiday party on, say "Ally McBeal."

5) If you have to bring something to a party, what is it likely to be? Do people like it?Let me explain. No, let me sum up. Husband and I have always worked in different churches. When we got married, we were working in different dioceses, in different states, on different sides of the Mississippi River. So we would divide up party responsibilities: if it was from my church, it was "my side of the river," and I would be responsible. Same for "his side of the river." We still use that phraseology among ourselves, so I'm afraid we don't have a standard party food. Although I have loved making a buttermilk chocolate cake out of Laurie Colwin's "Home Cooking," because it was easy and fast and yummy.


At 5:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post really got me thinking - about what it would like to be in minisry and for hubby to be ministering in another church 'across the river'

have you ever thought about going into ministry together?

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Emily said...

Hi, Lorna,

We've thought about it and decided it would be better to stay married instead (grin).

No, seriously, we know ourselves pretty well, and separate ministries works best for us right now. Who know what God may do in the future?


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