
Monday, October 30, 2006

home turf

Or, still blowing off Morning Prayer after all these years.

I negotiated with the felines for some time off last week to take in some continuing ed back in the land of lovable losing baseball. It was wonderful to be back in the home place, with rainy weather, wind off the lake, good friends, assorted Episcopal bloggers whose URLs I can't think of off the top of my head (Hoosier Musings, Reverend Ref, Family Letter, AngloBaptist, Nueva Cantora--am I missing anyone?) My parents wined and dined me on Friday night with Italian food, culminatng in a chocolate lava cake and pumpkin gelato. . .Another alum and I hit an old standby, Lulu's, for pan-Asian yumminess (I used to order in from Lulu's on Sunday evenings--X-files and sesame noodles go really, really well together.)

The whole point of this operation (wait, it's not about the food?)was to hear the reflections of Diana Butler Bass in two keynote addresses. Did you know there IS hope for mainline churches? Will digest more later; I'm still thinking about it all.

Sunday morning was about Stewardship and Sunday afternoon was about celebrating a fellow knitter's birthday with more good food. So this morning it's time for the unglamorous world of laundry and reasserting my authority with the cats. Yeah, that last part is just a fantasy.


At 11:03 AM, Blogger Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said...

I'm so glad you had a good time on your trip and that you're back home.

I really hated missing the party yesterday afternoon. : (

Have a wonderful week!

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Susie/Nueva Cantora said...

Mmmmm. LuLus. I totally under-utilized that place when I lived in Evanston.

It was great to see you, and when I got home, I discoverd that my Rachael Ray November magazine has a piece about throwing a knitting party -and I thought of you :)

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Lydia Agnew Speller said...

I heard Diana Butler Bass do an Alban Institute thing on the Practicing Church which was very good. It was in Atlanta. I'm also going to the "Going Forward Together" workshop later this month with lots of emerging church folk, as well as a lot of Global stuff.


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