In-vested Sock Knitting
I can't top theYarn Harlot's entry, but surely working on a sock while vested in chasuble, stole, alb, clergy collar and microphone should get me points somewhere in the world of Extreme Knitting. (Perhaps I should have borrowed a maniple and a biretta as well).

oh unfair advantage!!! Using the chausable and collar to win points! mmmmm I better get to thinkin' on this extreme knitting.
Did the sock stay in the sacristy or did it also join you at the pulpit or the altar? That would be REALLY extreme knitting. Perhaps you should consider knitting projects in seasonally appropriate colors so they go with your vestments. In an alarming development here at Saint Mark's, Saint Louis, the leader of our Shawl Ministry has taken to knitting when I preach. Actually, that is fine with me, since keeping the hands busy often helps concentration.
I thought about it but since I'm new to supplying at this congregation I didn't quite have the nerve.
Now if I could just think of a way to incorporate knitting into a sermon. . .
You've been blogged by another blogger!
I did knit during a sermon, but it was the Time with the Children. We were dedicating our first batch of prayer shawls, and I brought along one that was in progress.
That's a great picture!
Songbird, that's a great idea--it seems to me kids are always fascinated by knitting.
I'd give you points for Knitting While Fully Vested.
But I'd had given you more were it a green sock. ;-)
Yes, I guess with its blue and purple socks, it's really more of an Advent sock.
(Being a slow knitter, however, just consider it working ahead).
I adore your practical, common-sense approach to faith. *grin* Perhaps we should all bring our needlework to church. Quilts simply get a little heavy in the summer months, however.
You seem to be making good progress, Emily. Someone should be wearing those socks by Advent.
When you get more practiced, ask me to find the link to the crocheted thurible. THAT would look very nice with that brocade chausable and a biretta.
What a great idea! My husband is rector at an extremely high church, that would be a great present.
Do I have to start knitting a sock now, just to get in on the sock-blogging? That would make four projects going at once...
Perhaps for All Saints when we speak of being knit together in one communion and fellowship you could knit it the pulpit. I actually have done a very complicated "children's" sermon for All Saints' which involves paper chains, symbolic knitting.
"Just Knittin' for the Holidays in Ordinary Time."
A classic, and I give it 9. Good to dance to!
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